Tuesday, August 19, 2008


my book of the evening: Enjoy the Silence: A 30- Day Experiment in Listening to God
by maggie and duffy robbins

and then came these thoughts of mine...

in the comotion of everyday life, i know that i am often surronded by "nonliteral" noise that causes me to miss God's whisper sometimes....

even though i walked past some bushes today that were virtually smoke free, i am almost certain that God speaks to me sometimes in less dramatic ways. Even if at some points in my life, i feel like God is not speaking to me, its quite the contrary. Sometimes i do not listen, that never means God has been silent or absent. Having the ability to listen, to open my ears and the willingness to listen, is a "straight" gift from him...

patience is something that i am personally having to work on (of the many). Having to wait on anything in a world that wants immediate results is a super hard task for me, simply because
  • i have to learn patience
  • there are some many "noises" and "ugencies" that drown out the voice of God
  • because if i get honest with myself, i may be waiting on someone or something to come and bring me what we truly desire. (basically ridding God of the equation, and even sometimes my own view of things (doubt etc.)

"We spend time with God because he loves us already, uncondionally, and because we want to develop and deepen our relationship with him" says duffy

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