Friday, September 18, 2009


I was asked a couple weeks back, to name one thing I cherished, this was my answer:


Love provoked God to send his only son to the Earth to save us
Love overcame Jesus, enough to share the truth of the Gospel while on this planet.
Love brought my Mother and my Father together, united in a bond, which formed me.
Love moves my heart to care for David, deeper than I've ever known
Love causes me to serve in the Church, to be apart of a move of God.

Love is something that I cherish.

1Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love.

Monday, September 14, 2009

On My Mind, All The Time

Doing the same this over and over again
expecting different results
each time.

is insanity.

Being in the same types of relationships
with the same type of people
being the same you each time
putting up with the same garbage
and yet,
expecting for things to be different
Simply because you are the constant factor

is insanity

Finding the person God made for you
letting him decide your "type"
letting him do all of the arranging
working with him to create standards

is brilliance.

Good luck with that insanity.
in your life.
Thank you Lord, for your brilliance.
in my life.