Monday, February 9, 2009

You Made It Lovely

Sand is kinda weird
Sometimes it can be soft and silky and warm and thin
And then other times it's cold and wet and course and gritty
Sometimes your toes sink deep and you have to plunder thought stacks of it
And then sometimes, its hard and packed up and your feet skid across
Sometimes you make castles, and sometimes you climb dunes
Every once in a while it's sticky and never washes off
Then on any given day, it runs right through your fingers and scatters all around
You can never fully rid your clothes or trunks of sand
Shells can hide in it, crabs take shelter in it and turtles make nurseries out of it
Footprints that are put in it, will always tell a story
Sand is grand, and that's a my beach-like rhyme.


David said...

Sand is SOOOO weird. You're right. But are you personifying the sand or are you referring to an actual person who made something lovely?

David said...

Maybe I'm just using a random blog so I can leave comments...

Jordyn Mooney said...

To Doogiehauser,
An acutal person made it lovely.

David said...

An acutal person? Like an acute angle in a triangle? So does that mean that this person weighs less than 90lbs? Hmmmmm

Jordyn Mooney said...

Doogie you are too quick and witty for your own good