Friday, November 28, 2008


I seem to have them every night.
Everyone is different
But similar in some respects
People in my self conscience, that I never expected to appear,
And circumstances that bewilder me time and time again.
They are long
They are short
They make sense, and then again, some make none at all.
No one can interpret them and no one really should
I try to write them down on paper, but my memory always fails me.
It's like they arent meant for others to read them, or hear them
(Peanut butter before bed ALWAYS triggers EPIC dreams)
Other nights bring things I swear will happen some day
Sometimes I wish I could live in my "dream world"
And other nights I am thankful I dont.
So I'm wondering, what are dreams, and why are mine so strange?

I guess staying up late, is preparations for sweet dreams

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