Monday, January 26, 2009

My Purse's Treasures

These are just a few of the RANDOM things that I found in my purse, that ALWAYS stay in my purse, quirky little blog, forgive me

1. In ears! They are E-2's, and the hang out along with maybe 3 other pair of little ear buds, always need em for playing at The Journey (or in my car when my fusion dies, and I need music)

2. Sunglasses, yea, generic I know, but it's always safe to have some (prevents crows feet around the eyes, that you get from squinting)

3. Sweet mints, anytime they're at a restaurant, I smuggle like 50 of these little guys

4. Carmex, makes mah lips feel wonderful and fingers all sticky

5. 1/4inch Stereo Adapter, I only have this one, and I must lose it 6 times a week. It comes in handy when you have musical equipment or an amp.

6. Special K Chocolaty Drizzle yummy snack bar. I don't just eat it cause it 90 calories, its a tasty little morsel that can resist being squished in a purse!

7. Bobby Pins! You always need 676,783,334 of these, they save peoples lives, they remove pieces of hair that cause hours of frustration in your eyes, and can form an up-do in less then 5 minutes. They are pesky and I happen to leave them everywhere I go. If you see a bobby on the ground, you know I am near

8. Redbox baby! $1.06 a pop and I love it. We have 4 reboxes in Camden and I am addicted.

9. Bangles. You never know when you need a bangle (or two). These handy little circles work with pretty much any outfit and are indestructible ha

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's Good to Learn Something New Everyday

So I was sitting with a new friend the other day, when I was challenged to do some research about something that I had made all sorts of judgements about, and didnt even take the time to eliminate the cliche'


There was a specific one that he has been apart of and so I felt pretty interested in seeing what Lambda Chi Alpha was all about.

It was the first fraternity to abolish pledging and remains a leader in the fight against hazing, alcohol abuse, and other challenges facing today's college students.

Lambda Chi Alpha seeks to promote higher education by providing opportunities for academic achievement, leadership, and lifelong friendships.... which is something that my friend was so excited about. He is able to travel all over the country and will always have some of his brothers to join him or that he will stay with. I mean, afterall, it is one of the largest men's general fraternities in North America, by its own count, having initiated more than 268,000 members and held chapters at more than 300 universities!

Lovely Core Values
Service and Stewardship
Personal Courage

For Dave Longobardo

New Year Fortune

Friday, January 9, 2009

"Faith, Meet Culture...Culture, Meet Faith"

Can I just tell you how many coincidences happen in my life, I know that there are no such things as coincidences in the life of a Jesus follower which means to realize that things happen as some sort of confirmation for me, In this instance, I am delighted to share...
LATELY I have been having lots of trouble sleeping and staying asleep, I've tried all sorts of techniques to try and trick my body into sleeping like a normal person. Last night's technique was to lay in bed and read a good book until I became drowsy and then turn the light off and sleep.

  • Book of choice: "Lord, Save us from your Followers"
  • Chapters read: 2 (duration of about and 40 minutes, is was so good!)
  • Sleep: It worked! and that book has been sitting in my closet for several months, I had wanted to read it, since it's purchase at Sams Club *ha

So today I logged on to twitter to see that a musician has recently started to follow me, his name, Scott Phillips. Scott Philips received the World Vision “New Independent Artist of the Year” award for his work with his favorite organization. I looked him up on myspace to give a listen to his tunes. Immediately something caught my little eyes, his caption, which read "Lord, Save us from your followers"

I was thinking, cool, he's read the book as well, but then decided to go to his website, which has his tour dates listed, only to find, that, not only has he read the book, but he will be headlining in the tour, for the book!

It's "Lord, Save us from your Followers" The Tour. It's hitting campuses around Ameica!Sponsored by "World Vision" "Groundwork Managements" and "Relevant Magazine"

The tour is all about sparking a conversation between culture and faith in America. College, university and seminary campuses across the country will host this innovative tour in twenty cities. The combination of film, spoken word, music and art will serve as an invitation on each campus—an invitation to consider the relationship between Christianity, love and culture. And it’s an invitation to take action: reach out to the hurting, serve the poor, love your neighbor, do it now.

Matthew Paul Turner – Speaker/Author (Churched)/Blogger/Journalist/Former editor of CCM magazine, as well as Dan Merchant – Screenwriter/Author/Speaker/Conversationalist will be among the speakers on the tour, both are all about the stuff that no one seems to discuss anymore. Their thoughts, ideas, and humor about life, Christianity, and other topics (such as politics, sex, and even money) have opened up opportunities for him to speak at colleges and other venues.

I am thrilled to think about the film being shown to so many students, it crosses the generation lines and is inspiring all ages to love in ways that could help the world once again know Christians by their love instead of their hate.

check the website out for more:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Writing It Down

I thought this would a neat way of expressing my goals, dreams and where I seriously see myself in any amount of years. Almost like inspiration to go through with things. Only by God's grace, of course. His will is WAY better WAY bigger WAY happier then what my little brain can come up with. Keep in mind, somethings are true goals, and others are birthed out of my little mind of crazy thoughts.

This Year...

  • Get my school finished with and take the necessary standardized test to graduate
  • Apply to Hillsong Leadership College (start the process early)
  • Go on the missions trip with the teens as a youth leader, build that house!
  • Save my money and be an awesome steward, keep giving! Support missions.
  • Write a song, record it.
  • Make an impact in the lives of the girls that I mentor..spend quality time with them
  • Take road trips, Go to Nashville with Elissa and Katie
  • Play lots of worship songs on the weekend services and see The Journey Church grow.
  • Keep staying active and go on many bike rides,never give up on a good healthy breakfast.
  • Get a tasteful creative meaningful TATTOO!
  • Learn to dance, either swing,salsa or ball room fancies.
  • Study daily in the word, become super-duper equipped for any situation
  • Figure out the ins and outs of my Yamaha MO8, sheesh! Tweak my memory to hold it all.
  • Cherish someone and be cherished

Over the next few years...bunch of years....

  • Go to Australia, live there, Go to Hillsong Leadership College and serve in the church
  • Become pro at something, whether it's better at painting, photos, piano...
  • Travel Travel Travel, I want to explore!
  • Be in the home that is decorated to "Target,Ikea,Urban,Pottery Barn" perfection
  • Always have bottles of Sparkling White Grape Juice in stock in my fridge.
  • Meet the person that was created for me! Have fun and be loved by him.
  • Never cut my hair short again. Wild woman hair forever!
  • Have the wedding of my dreams and enjoy: silly,awesome,tough newlywed days
  • Be in leadership at a church or organization, something, on the sound of that.
  • Enjoy life and experience new things, with good godly friends and family
  • Live simple, live happy, love the Lord, be thankful for the years passed and look forward to amazing things in even more years to come...

So there you go, there's no telling what could happen in the next few years but I am excited nonetheless to discover what God has in store for me. Big things.


Sunday, January 4, 2009


The Universe yet incomplete
On the sixth day God created her
And God said to her I shall give to you
A heart full of compassion
A spirit free to fly with the birds
A vessel to carry life into the world
Wisdom to know great truths
Courage to rise out of oppression
Gentleness to kiss the earth
Passion to set the world on fire
Vision to respect the earth that bore you
A playful nature to dance with the children
Laughter to fill the valleys
Tears to wash the pain away
Hands for laboring and loving
Intuition to know the unknown
Desire to be that which you were created to be
And God said to her
I have created you in my image and likeness and

-susan marie