Friday, January 9, 2009

"Faith, Meet Culture...Culture, Meet Faith"

Can I just tell you how many coincidences happen in my life, I know that there are no such things as coincidences in the life of a Jesus follower which means to realize that things happen as some sort of confirmation for me, In this instance, I am delighted to share...
LATELY I have been having lots of trouble sleeping and staying asleep, I've tried all sorts of techniques to try and trick my body into sleeping like a normal person. Last night's technique was to lay in bed and read a good book until I became drowsy and then turn the light off and sleep.

  • Book of choice: "Lord, Save us from your Followers"
  • Chapters read: 2 (duration of about and 40 minutes, is was so good!)
  • Sleep: It worked! and that book has been sitting in my closet for several months, I had wanted to read it, since it's purchase at Sams Club *ha

So today I logged on to twitter to see that a musician has recently started to follow me, his name, Scott Phillips. Scott Philips received the World Vision “New Independent Artist of the Year” award for his work with his favorite organization. I looked him up on myspace to give a listen to his tunes. Immediately something caught my little eyes, his caption, which read "Lord, Save us from your followers"

I was thinking, cool, he's read the book as well, but then decided to go to his website, which has his tour dates listed, only to find, that, not only has he read the book, but he will be headlining in the tour, for the book!

It's "Lord, Save us from your Followers" The Tour. It's hitting campuses around Ameica!Sponsored by "World Vision" "Groundwork Managements" and "Relevant Magazine"

The tour is all about sparking a conversation between culture and faith in America. College, university and seminary campuses across the country will host this innovative tour in twenty cities. The combination of film, spoken word, music and art will serve as an invitation on each campus—an invitation to consider the relationship between Christianity, love and culture. And it’s an invitation to take action: reach out to the hurting, serve the poor, love your neighbor, do it now.

Matthew Paul Turner – Speaker/Author (Churched)/Blogger/Journalist/Former editor of CCM magazine, as well as Dan Merchant – Screenwriter/Author/Speaker/Conversationalist will be among the speakers on the tour, both are all about the stuff that no one seems to discuss anymore. Their thoughts, ideas, and humor about life, Christianity, and other topics (such as politics, sex, and even money) have opened up opportunities for him to speak at colleges and other venues.

I am thrilled to think about the film being shown to so many students, it crosses the generation lines and is inspiring all ages to love in ways that could help the world once again know Christians by their love instead of their hate.

check the website out for more:

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