Monday, October 27, 2008


At first, there was absolute silence.
And at least, there was absolute silence.

In between, it's a
Emotional silence, that'd kill with bare hands
Attentive silence, absorbed in the environment
Thoughtful silence, wallowing and preparing
Embezzled silence, bored in self indulgence
Quiet silence, uncomfortable and unwanted
Subdued silence, waiting in the wings
Meditative silence, which can move heaven and earth
Dogmatic silence, enough said about it
Comforting silence, no words could describe it

In this communicative silence,
Say something
Or, not.

1 comment:

Mrs. Hatten said...

Interesting...I think I've been absorbed in all of these states--some difficult, some gratifying. I particularly like the, "Emotional silence, that'd kill with bare hands," part. That is so true! Having said that, I much prefer the "good" kind of silence as opposed to the, "My heart is ripped to shreds and I could retaliate by physically destroying you," kind. Yes...the "good" kind is much, much better. :-)