These are just a few of the RANDOM things that I found in my purse, that ALWAYS stay in my purse, quirky little blog, forgive me
1. In ears! They are E-2's, and the hang out along with maybe 3 other pair of little ear buds, always need em for playing at The Journey (or in my car when my fusion dies, and I need music)
2. Sunglasses, yea, generic I know, but it's always safe to have some (prevents crows feet around the eyes, that you get from squinting)
3. Sweet mints, anytime they're at a restaurant, I smuggle like 50 of these little guys
4. Carmex, makes mah lips feel wonderful and fingers all sticky
5. 1/4inch Stereo Adapter, I only have this one, and I must lose it 6 times a week. It comes in handy when you have musical equipment or an amp.
6. Special K Chocolaty Drizzle yummy snack bar. I don't just eat it cause it 90 calories, its a tasty little morsel that can resist being squished in a purse!
7. Bobby Pins! You always need 676,783,334 of these, they save peoples lives, they remove pieces of hair that cause hours of frustration in your eyes, and can form an up-do in less then 5 minutes. They are pesky and I happen to leave them everywhere I go. If you see a bobby on the ground, you know I am near
8. Redbox baby! $1.06 a pop and I love it. We have 4 reboxes in Camden and I am addicted.
9. Bangles. You never know when you need a bangle (or two). These handy little circles work with pretty much any outfit and are indestructible ha
Ohhh the bobby pins, just when I think I have destroyed them all....I find another one. If you were ever lost in the woods the fallen bobbies would certainly lead us to you, ha.
Gotta love the in ears and red box!
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